세계 유일의 탁상형 투과전자현미경
옵션 선택을 통해 TEM 외에 SEM, STEM, Electron Diffraction 사용 가능
5kV Schottky type Field Emission Gun 사용
낮은 가속전압으로 재료공학, 생명공학에 사용 가능
High Contrast Nanoscale Imaging
Unmatched contrast of biologic and light material samples
Image resolution as good as 1.2nm
Meaningful results without the need for heavy metal staining
Versatility of having TEM, SEM and STEM imaging modes in one unit
Unique Benchtop Design
The world's only benchtop TEM microscope
Exceptional space-saving design
Installs easily wherever imaging is needed most
No special facility requirements needed (such as cooling, special power or an anti-vibration isolation)
Simplified Workflow
Easy to learn and operate
User-friendly software interface and intuitive controls
Quick sample exchange allows for high throughput imaging
Image the same area of interest in TEM and SEM with high contrast