Compact한 사이즈의 All-in-On 전자현미경
옵션 선택을 통해 TEM, STEM, Electron Diffraction, SEM, EDS 사용 가능
25kV Schottky type Field Emission Gun 사용
낮은 가속전압으로 재료공학, 생명공학에 사용 가능
Five imaging modes in one instrument
Equipped with TEM, STEM, SEM, EDS and ED modes
Easily switch between imaging modes via intuitive software
Bright and dark field measurements in both TEM and STEM modes
SEM mode (BSE) for surface measurements
Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS) for elemental analysis
Electron Diffraction (ED) for understanding crystal structure
Fully integrated and portable design
Extremely compact, space-saving and portable design
Single-plug installation in nearly any laboratory environment
No special facility requirements (no cooling, power or anti-vibration isolation needed)
High contrast and resolution for standard samples
Unmatched contrast of biologic and light material samples
Meaningful results with reduced staining
Image resolution as good as 1.0nm
Designed for conventionally prepared samples
Super-fast sample exchange