miBot™은 Imina Technologies社의 핵심 기술력으로 개발된
World's most compact 4 degrees of freedom robot 입니다.
Mobile robot 형태로 동작하는 manipulator로서,
SEM/FIB/Dual Beam과 같은 진공 장비나
광학 현미경, 형광 현미경, AFM 등 대기 중에서 모두 작동해
다양한 application에 적용이 가능합니다.
Flexible platform configurations
Modify the nanoprobing setup by adding or removing robots and by adjusting their position and orientation by hand or in situ. Naturally, adapt to different sample size and geometry in no time.
One software to control, measure and report
Step by step operator assistance to position the nanoprobes, run and process electrical test measurements is provided through the unified and intuitive software application Precisio™.
Probe holders: quick tips replacement
Robot probe holders compatible with industry standard probe tips. Wide range of tungsten probe tips available with tip radius from 1um down to 5nm. Easily exchange probe holders or replace with optical fiber holders.
Fast installation and removal
Install and remove the nanoprobing platform from the SEM chamber in minutes, avoiding the need to dedicate an SEM to the probing system. Compact storage solution is available to minimize ex-situ contamination and maintain the system ready to use.